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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Okie, it has been a long long time since i last blog here. was busy updated one that was meant for some1 else. okie, am a bitch! i dump everything since i knew him, sorry guys~ =)
well, am back! lols!! hmm what shall i post now?

Been Going out lately, past 2 weekend was out with a friend.. KW~~ thank u lah.. always i bored that time will come find me talk cock! next time i bring ur princess go gaigai okiE? lols~

hmm what else is there to blog about leh? ookie, my life has been so so bored for the past 2 weeks. there was nothing to look forward too anymore.. =( been sleeping so late lately till i cant even get up in the morning~ this morning when i woke up i tot i lost my voice! lols~ could not talk or anything lor.. then went to bathe, smoke and drink a glass of water. then i had VOICE again! haha!! slap me for my craps! but my throat is still in pain now.. =(

We're having some little Christmas feel in the office now~ lols came in today saw a Tree right at the corner. lols! took a few pictures.. will post them up later..

okie, plans for the weekend, friday night maybe i'll go to my new hide out~ and saturday it's sen feng's Bday.. we're all going to have STEAM BOATIE again!!! lols!! more stupid pics to take.. mayb should buy him a cake too.. lols!! but so old liao still wan cake meH? waste my money nia.. lols!! buy cake and stick his face in it.. lols!!

okie.. got to go back to work and act like am busy.. lols!!!


Missing Baby T @ 3:00 PM

Monday, October 5, 2009

Been busy the past 2 weeks didnt really had time to blog, T came back with bad cough and flu.. haiz, its a every week affair lor.. am tired.. i dont get enough sleep when ever he's sick. and when he's sick he super naughty! beat scold also no use already.. that day he took a chair and threw it me. and took pen and pencil and threw it at porpor and kow fu and aunt jacq~ am seriously thinking that this will cause him alot of trouble in sch.. really have to think twice abt letting them take him for the weekend~ well, am tired of complaining to them or anything.. i'll just take a step at a time hopefully it will be less stressful for me.. yawns~

Missing Baby T @ 12:01 PM

Sunday, September 27, 2009

its like 1am and am not tired, a lot of things happened lately, not going to mention anything about it. well, itz really getting rather boring during the weekends, i simply dont know what to do anymore.. am just tired, and mayb lazy to go out and have fun. haiz, am just another bitch lah.. when i get to go out, i dont even want to leave the house. but when i dont get to go out, i will wan to go out! wat the hack is this man.. sicken.. wahaha..
oh.. Riao is about to go kong, 19 human yrs she's really an old cat. but she is give the family a whole load of headache, cos we got to plan what kind of food to give her. as she does not wan wet food now. and fresh fish is like not good too.. so i seriously dont know what the hack she wants to eat at all!! roars!! am having back stomach cramps now.. sobz.. and no one to sayang me~ haiz..
evryone seems to be happily attached married, and me? the lonely soul around.. haiz.. tired..

Missing Baby T @ 12:54 AM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

just finished paiting my nails, waiting for them to dry totally, so am here blog-ing.
a guy friend of mine is finally attached, and am not feeling very good, mayb becos of some reasons.. but am glad that he has found love. everyone around me seems to be happily attached and married.. but i'm still that lonely soul around.. oh well shall get to sleep soon.. i think i am rather not in the position to say anything.. oh well to my friend i really wish u all the best with ur found love~ take care everyone..

Missing Baby T @ 2:41 AM

Monday, September 21, 2009

Today was the super sleep in day, even triston was sleeping till like 1.35pm. wahaha.. he was sleeping in with me, but he has got more sleep than i do! he's out with my parents having a birthday dinner with my first aunt (bishan porpor) they all love him, wander why.. going down to vivo again late.. waiting for my sister-inlaw to finish her toilet. then it's my turn.. hahA!! when do the time and day pass so fast.. another 3days of holiday gone. feeling sad and happy.. sad cos i cant slack anymore, happy cos i need to stay working my brain, its kana slow now.. almost brain dead.. haha~ oh well shall post again, too lazy to upload picture from my phone.. got a few funny sleeping pose of triston.. haha!! shall post again.. so long~

Missing Baby T @ 5:47 PM

Saturday morning, went over to ICA building to Collete triston's passport. then headed down to bugis to have breakfast. it was raining cats and dogs, but everyone knows that when ever triston is out it always rained. haha~
walked around bugis with T and his dad. bump into jaslyn, bought some nail polish @ her work place TheFaceShop. rather cheap wor.. it has been like 2 yr since i last had my nails painted.
then hang around had a drink before asking KBK to send triston back for him nap. then went over to bugis village to look for small kiddo umbrella, cos i promised T, but cant seem to find any. then sms-ed my cousin, and met her @ vivio for shopping spree, so bus-ed down from bugis. shop til like 8.30 bus-ed back home to wait for T to come back from his dad side..

woke up @ 11.30 had breakfast slacked and bathe T, cousin came and had mahjong with my family, had Old Chang Kee cos cousin bought alot over.. @ 3pm had a nap with triston while they played mahjong. then played with T watched tv and blah blah.. oh well sunday did nothing.

Daddy going over to china to look for his GF. wahahha~ hope he has fun and will be less grumpy when he comes back~ cant wait to go penang in dec. woot! i know its only malaysia.. but itz the first time going with T mah.. oh.. T might be going over to hong kong with porpor in oct. not too sure if it's comfirmed. but most likely it will happen..

am stil waiting for jaslyn to meet up with me lor.. sobz.. had been waiting like almost a week.. she keeps forgetting to bring it out if not too busy to even meet me.. feeling sad cos my phone is breaking down soon.. haiz.. it always say no network and i have to restart my phone! and i gotta do that like 5 to 7 times a day~ haiz.. jaslyn~ when will u be able to meet me? sobz..
will post again with some funny picture's of T soon.. haha~
salamate hari raya ~

Missing Baby T @ 5:33 AM

Saturday, September 19, 2009

feeling very very sad after watching 2 clips on FB, first it was 3 children left to die in some remote places of the world.. then was china's dog meat factory.
itz very very heartbreaking to me now.. i cant slp @ 6.24 am!! the pain is like stabbing a million and gazillion knifes into one's body.. i really dont know why?!
i always wander, why were they given life but have to suffer in this way.. they had no food to eat and was left to die in the open without anything! its really very heart breaking.. am aching and bleeding in the heart.. am feeling breathless cos i'm too sad.. i'm very lost, i dont know why the world has to be in this way.. why are ppl treating little children like dirt. if there wont be any children in our lives, we will nv find happiness.. children are the root of every parent's happiness... i am seriously tearing when typing this post, i can nv nv make myself feel better anymore.. they are living children! and children of ur own.. how could u really leave them there just to die! they were so hungry that they could not even sit up they were so dirty and were crying, who will ever hear their cryS? i guess no one! not even their own parents! ='(

dogs are man's best friends.. why are we all eatting them? i guess only china ppl are still eatting them.. they are the world most cruel ppl on earth.. they kill thoes animals like it was just cutting some non-living thing.. all this dogs has feeling and they were just caged up and waiting for death! how their gov stil be letting this dog meat factory running! they way they killed the animals is like leaving them to bleed to death! why make them suffer so much when killing them?! am feeling very shity abt it.. this makes me hate CHINA ppl even more! cos they are cruel, useless, dirty, shamless, noisy, bitches and bastard!!!

hope those dogs that were killed to in that cilps, will always haunt thoes man that killed them... they should try getting cut and left to bleed to death like the way they did to thoes poor dogs..
very very emo now.. cant think or breath right now... smoking and puffing non stop.. the children and dogs of those clips will forever stay in my heart.. they will always be in my prays..

Missing Baby T @ 6:22 AM